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The solution for diagnosis and chemotherapy

Science for health

ParaDev is a young society found in 2017 by three PhDs in Biology.

Located in a lab (IHPE) in the Perpignan’s University (UPVD), ParaDev is specialized in research and developement in the field of infectious diseases.

Our team

Stéphanie Leroy

Ph-D, Co-Founder and President

Jérôme Boissier

PU, Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor

Manon Blin

PhD, R&D Manager

Emeline Félix

Technician, R&D Assistant

Some words from our president

« At the crossroads of science and humanity, my mission as President of a company dedicated above all to infectious disease diagnostics is to bring clarity where uncertainty reigns. Every decision we make, every innovation we forge, is one step closer to a world where health triumphs over the darkness of disease »

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