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ParaDev offers differents genotyping services

DNA Diagnostic

Identification of pathogens by specific amplification of their DNA.

You can chose the DNA amplification method : PCR, qPCR, LAMP.

This operation can be carried out on free-living larval stages, inside vectors, in patient samples or in environmental samples.

DNA Barcoding

Amplification and identification of different allele, individual, or species.

Not limited to pathogens.

We can genotype any known mutation thanks thanks to our expertise in molecular biology (RFLP PCR, ARMS-PCR, taqman PCR, sequencing, etc.)

  • Single nucleotide Polymorphism SNP
  • Lengh polymorphism
  • Presence or absence of a conserved region

Microsatellites genotyping

Amplification and identification of microsatellites using markers known from the literature.

Not limited to pathogens.

We provide you with a corrected allele bank for all requested individuals and markers.